For Sale: ’21 Cherokee Grey Wolf 23 MK bumper pull travel trailer, for sale or take up payments, exce. cond. – 979-200-9492
For Sale: 300 gal. pasture sprayer w/ 22’ boom $700 ; 6’ shredder, heavy duty, like new $2150 – 979-277-8977
Moving Sale: Fri. and Sat. 8a-5p 9200 Old Chappell Hill Rd. ; indoor sale, Rain or Shine – vintage western tack, youth saddle, Graco baby swing, baby/toddler clothes, maternity medium, media stand, antique furniture, vintage linens, ladies clothes size L-XXL, men’s clothes size L-XXXL, décor, cap collection, kayaks
Estate/Garage Sale: Sat. 9a-2p 17026 Fordtran Blvd. (Industry)
For Sale: Ryobi cordless tools ; (2) oscillating multi-tools (Dremel and Ridgid) ; (2) belt sanders ; bench mount vises ; Ridgid one-handed reciprocating saw ; lots and lots of hand tools — 979-421-0202 call or text
Yard Sale: Sat. 8a-4p ONLY 3070 Old Navasota Rd., NO EARLY BIRDS
For Sale: Kincaid bedroom furniture – dresser w/ mirrored hutch, (2) night stands, chest $500 – 979-830-0488
For Sale: plethora of dill $5/gal. Ziplock bag – 979-551-6425
For Sale: project truck, ’66 Chevy C10 truck, long wheel base, 327 engine, 350 Turbo transmission – 979-277-4994
Wanted: mechanic – ’07 Dodge Ram 1500 truck needs head pulled and replaced – 979-525-3848
For FREE: cats and kitten – 979-353-2018 call or text
For Sale: Goodyear Assurance tires, 22565R17, matching set, came off mid size SUV, no holes or patches $200/set – 979-277-5814
For Sale: ’47 Farm-All Cub tractor, runs good $1500 ; 6’ mower, 3-pt. $600 – 936-870-5148
Wanted: someone to fix a/c unit – 979-530-7137
Wanted: leather recliner ; t-posts – 979-530-3833 LM
For Sale: (4) Brangus cross heifers, 6 mo. old – 979-308-9671 NO TEXTING
Wanted: sm. utility trailer, to pull behind car — 979-200-8802
Wanted: automatic frame to raise mattress w/ remote, for single bed – 979-627-5194
For Sale: Craftsman riding mower, 50” cut, 24HP – 979-503-8636
For Sale: Next Grill propane grill, 4-burners and side burner $100 ; 20” boys Mongoose Pebble bike $70 – 979-277-5952
For Sale: glass 3-tier TV stand, heavy $40 ; Little Tykes kitchen playset ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845
For Sale: ’15 Forest River Ultra Light Vibe travel trailer, 32’, bumper pull, outdoor kitchen, bunk beds $18,500 – 979-277-5412
For Sale: Four Winds motorhome, 33’, refurbished, 7500 watt generator, captains chairs, Triton V10 engine, (2) TVs, backup camera, 32K mi., runs great, can send pictures $47,500 – 281-948-9117
Wanted: electric stove, white ; refrigerator, freezer on top ; For Sale: Keurig coffee maker $25 – 979-836-7072
For Sale: Brahman bull, 3 yrs. old, kid friendly ; goats ; feeder steers – 979-277-8794
Wanted: 1000 gal. fuel tank – 979-277-2405
For Sale: (8) mobile home anchors and straps, plus bolts ; Wanted: motorcycle mechanic ; someone to redo windows in mobile home – 979-451-9035
Wanted: 4-wheelers, ATVs, UTVs, running, non-running, or for parts — 979-451-0890
For Sale: (3) rabbits – 979-203-9449